I’m sitting here in my favorite writing spot after having just taken a nice walk around my neighborhood. I swear I’m learning every inch of road, every pebble, every tree… With COVID altering daily life so greatly, my family and I are trying our very best to embrace all the wonderful things we have at our disposal: our backyard, walking trails, the green, and most importantly, each other!
And… yeah… the snow we recently got here in New Hampshire definitely made it clear that winter is coming and I’m going to have to bundle up and try my best to get my butt outdoors to enjoy what nature has to offer.
Did I mention I’m a wimp in the cold weather? 🙂
Back in March and through a good chunk of the summer I found it difficult to alter my writing schedule. I was so used to having large blocks of time during the day to be productive and then COVID hit and my boys were home.
I’m SO happy to say that I’ve found my rhythm! My boys remain home as they’re learning remotely this year and I’ve still managed to finish novel number three (entitled Cumulus) and get the first HALF of novel number four typed out!
Man, does that feel good!
I managed this all even when this one can make it all a bit more difficult to be productive! She’s an attention hog. 🙂
Cumulus is in the editing process right now. I was hoping to have a release date before Christmas but I’m not sure that’ll happen. I want my novels to be the absolute best they can be and to ensure that, each one goes through a rigorous editing process.
Even if Cumulus isn’t out before Christmas, I can promise a lot of time, effort, and an extreme amount of heart went into the writing of this book. When it does release, I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Cover reveal soon! Be on the look out!